- Use Delegates and handle Events.
- Use Exception Handling to avoid runtime errors.
- Create multithreaded applications.
- Use Winforms for building rich GUI applications.
- Process data using I/O Streams.
This course provides an exhaustive coverage of C# programming language features like Object-oriented Programming, Inheritance, Interfaces, Exception Handling, Reflection, Standard I/O programming, File Handling, Generics, Windows Application using Winforms, File I/O, XML in .NET, ADO.NET, Web Services and Deployment. It also gives an overview of .NET framework 3.0 features like WPF, WCF and MVC.
- 10th & 12th class students.
- Graduates and Post-Graduates.
- Undergraduates.
- Job aspirants.
- Dot NET Framework.
- C# and .NET Framework History.
- Data Types.
- Statements.
- Operators.
- Arrays.
- Enum.
- Structure.
- Classes and Objects.
- Constructors.
- Access Modifiers.
- Abstract Class.
- Partial Class.
- Seal Class.
- Static Class.
- Call by Value.
- Call by Reference.
- Inheritance.
- Polymorphism.
- Interfaces.
- Non Generic Collections.
- Array List.
- Sorted List.
- Stacks.
- Queues.
- Hash Table.
- Generic Collections.
- List T.
- Stack T.
- Queue T.
- HashSet T.
- Dictionary.
- IEnumerable.
- IEnumerator.
- GetEnumerator.
- ICollection.
- IList.
- IDictionary.
- System Exception.
- Application Exception.
- Custom Exception.